About Us

Canadian and UK-based, our focus is creating original I.P. content for a global audience.

What we can bring to the table is our experience in filmmaking and complex project management. We want to work with first-time filmmakers and producers in getting their projects off the ground. Formulating basic principles can help production go a long way. Using business jargon can make any creative shudder, but the old adage is you can’t have showbusiness without business goes a long way (are you shuddering right now?).

Ultimately, we never want to lose sight of the vision. It’s up to you what your goals are for the films you want to make. You might want to make the least commercial film possible, only seen by an incredible niche market. You might want to go on to direct a huge franchise. We will never want to stifle your ambitions either way and want to ensure you adopt some business-savvy practices in mutually supporting each other’s goal.